Company's mission – Marbiopharm
Our mission is:
To improve people’s quality of life and health with a complex providing of the medical institutions and population with medicines.
To support native healthcare.
To support native science and innovations.

Corporative values
Law obedience
Strict obedience of Russian legislation, foreign countries’ laws, in case of providing our labour function on their territory, representation of Company’s interests.
Deep knowledge of your own speciality, timed and qualified implementation of the assigned tasks, constant improving of one’s professional knowledge and skills.
Workers’ activity and autonomy in terms of the optimization of the manufacturing process.
Responsible and careful approach to using the actives of the Society, to their own worktime and the other workers’ worktime.
Mutual respect
Teamwork, trust, goodwill and cooperation while solving the assigned tasks.
Openness to dialogue
Open and honest information exchange, willingness to find an optimal solution together.
Respect for older generations’ labour and experience, interaction between amateurs and veterans, professional training and mentoring.
The using of the methods and strategies, aimed at the creation of the positive image of the Society.