Company news – Marbiopharm
Scientific-Practical Conference «Import Substitution»

24 aprel 2014 JSC "Marbiofarm" was partisipate the scientific-practical conference "Import substitution - challenge or opportunity", which was held in the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital. MI Kalinin.
В The event was attended by the Minister of Health of the Samara region Gennady Gridasov. На . At the conference, the Chairman of the Expert Council of the Health Council of Federation Committee on Social Policy, MD, Professor Vitaly Omel'yanovskii made a presentation about the kinds of health technology assessments at various stages of drug development.
Today the Russian pharmaceutical market share of imported drugs is about 80%. This is one of the main problems of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, threatening national security. Due to high competition in the market there is a decrease volume of domestic production, which negatively affects the development of the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, this situation significantly reduces the tax revenues to the Russian budget. Most acutely this problem felt by consumers, who have to purchase drugs at high prices, because the cost of some imported drugs cost more than domestic counterparts 60 times.